Syrian Refugees


  • Canadian evidence-based checklist for Syrian refugees by the CCIRH

  • Caring for a newly arrived Syrian refugee family by Kevin Pottie et al in CMAJ

  • Newcomer Clinical Care Pathway by Interior Health

  • Caring for Kids New to Canada by the Canadian Pediatric Society

Trauma / Mental Health

  • BC Provincial Toll-Free Refugee Mental Health Line


  • Translated patient handouts in Arabic.


  • ISSofBC Refugee Readiness Hub


  • Population Profile: Syrian Refugees by Citizenship and Immigration Canada

  • Health Status of Syrian Refugees by the Public Health Agency of Canada

  • Culture, Context and the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Syrians by the UNHCR

  • Enhancing Access to Prevention and Health Care for Syrian Refugees in Jordan by the International Organization for Migration

  • Syrian Refugee and Affected Host Population Health Access Survey in Lebanon by Johns Hopkins University

  • Nutritional Status of Women and Child Refugees from Syria - Jordan, April - May 2014 by Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

  • Impact of and response to increased tuberculosis prevalence among Syrian refugees compared with Jordanian tuberculosis prevalence: case study of a tuberculosis public health strategy by Conflict and Health

  • Health care providers' handbook on Muslim patients by Queensland Health

Other Resources

  • Arabic-Speaking Community Pharmacists

  • Dentists in Vancouver, Richmond, North Shore and Surrey who accept IFH, some of whom speak Arabic, provided by the BC Dental Association. 

  • Canadian Medical Association

  • The College of Family Physicians of Canada

  • Doctors of BC

  • Interior Health Newcomer and Refugee Care

    BC Refugee Readiness Fund is part of the WelcomeBC
    umbrella of services, made possible through funding
    from the Province of British Columbia.
