Health literacy toolbox lesson plans
- Health Literacy can be defined as the ability to access, understand, evaluate, and communicate information as a way to promote, maintain and improve health in a variety of settings across the life-course (Canadian Public Health Association, 2008).
- The Canadian Council on Learning (2007) reports that sixty-percent of Canadians lack the skills necessary to manage their health adequately.
- Newcomers to Canada face even greater challenges (Canadian Public Health Association, 2008).
- As clinicians, we are trained to manage our patients’ acute and chronic medical conditions. However, we are not equipped to assess and promote health literacy and settlement in clinical practice.
- Health Literacy tools are needed to assess and promote print literacy, oral literacy, and numeracy skills as part of primary care in refugee health.
- (more: Introduction)
Settlement Stamps Guide:
Settlement stamps can be used at each primary care encounter to assist with the assessment of health literacy and overall settlement.
Calendar Individual Lesson Plan:
A step-by-step lesson plan to assess and promote calendar literacy.
Medication List Individual Lesson Plan:
A step-by-step lesson plan to assess and promote medication knowledge and adherance.
Business Card Holder Guide for Use:
Tips for using a business card holder to assess and promote patient self-management of their health care and settlement needs.

Health Literacy Toolbox Lesson Plans by Lynn Farrales is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
The above lesson plans were created to share one approach for using the tools. They are a work in progress and meant to be modified as needed for different contexts, while maintaining respect for patient preference, choice and input. They have not yet been validated.